America’s Black Tuesday
“This could be the greatest loss of life and structures… in state history.”

Don’t stop or shop, until you drop
“Permission has been given to use one blade wide dozer lines in the wilderness.”

Locked down and unequal: The looming shortage of firefighting crews in California
Over 1,400 inmates and employees at San Quentin Prison have tested positive for COVID-19. Six on death row have died of the disease. A growing public health crisis in the Bay Area, itself, transfers from San Quentin are responsible for COVID-19 being introduced into the Susanville prison population and the Conservation Camp of firefighters there. In Northern California last week, during the run-up to the 4th of July holiday, only 30 of 77 inmate crews were available in Northern California. That’s 800 fewer wildland firefighters available to dig lines, put in hoselays, and save homes and communities.

Key Covid-19 Policy Documents
A compilation of the key policy documents that were published around the Covid-19 pandemic and wildland firefighters.

Covid-19 Wildland Firefighter Policy Synthesis
Synthesis of policy proposals gathered from a number of agency documents from spring 2020.