Analysis of policy recommendations by the Governor's Wildfire Response Council
Oregon Governor Kate Brown addresses public about updates to the Wildfire Response Council.
This analysis concentrates on the work of Oregon’s Fire Suppression Committee of the Governor's Wildfire Response Council (WRC), relying on draft policy recommendations issued on September 16, 2019
The Governor's Wildfire Response Council (WRC) had an ambitious agenda, and its members should be commended for their devoted public service. There are several progressive policy recommendations in the WRC document, including a call to:
• increase investments in fuels management
• develop sustainable land use practices within the Wildland/Urban Interface (WUI) zone
• update building codes to deal with ignition sources outside structures
• revise the scope and effectiveness of firefighting in planning.
But these progressive policies are subordinated to the main overriding goal of intensifying fire exclusion and expanding aggressive fire suppression across all lands in Oregon.