Fire News FUSEE Fire News FUSEE

The Firefighting Fire Sale: After U.S. Forest Service layoffs, will for-profit contractors protect you from wildfires?

For-profit operators don’t have an obligation to stage equipment in risky areas or dispatch support to other locations — private businesses can simply decline a contract if the job isn’t profitable. The free market might not make saving your home an attractive proposition. 

Reducing federal land management — whether that’s selling off public lands or turning control over to states — fragments oversight and reduces resources. Unlike the Forest Service, which has coordinated interagency support, many states lack the funding, staff, or infrastructure to handle large-scale fires

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FUSEE in the News, Fire News Mike Beasley FUSEE in the News, Fire News Mike Beasley

'Cadillac insurance'? Hunt for private firefighters as California burns

Ingalsbee said he is alarmed by the rise of “Cadillac” insurance plans for wealthy people which include bespoke fire emergency response. “It’s for wealthy homes – the insurance company doesn’t want to pay for loss – so it’s cheaper for them to hire a crew and an engine,” he explained. “But they don’t defend the whole neighborhood or city block, that’s not their mission.” Ingalsbee is concerned about a future where access to firefighting resources is increasingly determined by income, or insurance policies. “It comes at the expenses of the public sphere,” he said. “And I don’t think it’s good for our communities.”

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