Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology

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Ecological Foundations for Fire Management in North American Forest and Shrubland Ecosystems (Keeley et al., 2009)

Full citation: Keeley, J.E.; Aplet, G.H.; Christensen, N.L.; Conard, S.C.; Johnson, E.A.; Omi, P.N.; Peterson, D.L.; Swetnam, T.W. 2009. Ecological foundations for fire management in North American forest and shrubland ecosystems. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-779. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Paciic Northwest Research Station. 92 p.

Abstract: This review uses a scientific synthesis to provide an ecological foundation for management of the diverse ecosystems and ire regimes of North America. This foundation is based on the principles that inform management of fire-affected ecosystems. Although a large amount of scientific data on fire exists, most of those data have been collected at fine spatial and short temporal scales, whereas most of the potential issues and applications of those data are at broad and long-term scales. Basing decisions and actions on these data often requires extrapolation to differentscales and different conditions, such that error can be introduced in the process.

Keywords: Fire ecology, fire hazard, fire regime, fire risk, fire management, fuels, fuel manipulation, prescription burning, restoration.